Jan-Eric Slot

CIO & CMIO Bernhoven Hospital in Uden, HIMSS Expert

Jan-Eric Slot, MB MBA MSc CHCIO is the Chief Information Officer and Chief Medical Information Officer and member of the Executive Board at Bernhoven Hospital in Uden in the Netherlands since December 2013.

Prior he was the CEO of SNOMED International in Copenhagen Denmark from 2010-2013 and CIO at the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam Netherlands from 2005-2010, where he still teaches IT Governance in Healthcare at the Medical Informatics Faculty.

He studied medicine in Amsterdam and acquired Master degrees in Information Science and Business Administration in Brussels as well as a post-masters in Management at the University of Groningen.

His areas of expertise include medical informatics, total quality management, general management and he is a CHCIO (Certified HealthCare CIO). He has experience of more than 30 years in Healthcare IT and has held several international management positions at Shared Medical Systems, Digital Equipment Corporation, Getronics Care Services and ADAC Labs Radiotherapy. He has been on the board of HIMSS Europe (Governing Council 2009 – 2014) and is currently on the Board of CHIME, the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives in the US since 2015.